Sunday, April 15, 2012


I clicked these photos at Narketpally bus stand. The age old couple is begging at the bus stand. They are very old. The man is blind while the woman is not. The two is begging in the bus stand. I astonished to see that in this old age, why this kind of work. What about their family, why this kind of old age.
       In India begging became a passion of fashion. I am not talking about this two. But i am talking about a lot of beggers who has been taking begging as a their birth right. I wonder to watch a scene from local hotel. An age old woman sits by the side of the hotel in the scorching sun for begging. I talked to her, why this kind of doing in the summer. She did not reply nor she moved an inch from the spot. I watched what will happen to her. I watched what is motive behind the begging. One day she was leaving in the place by a young woman , while she was leaving the place i stopped her and asked what was going on,she told me the secret, she was her aunt, daily she earns more than 500 Rupees in Indian corrency or 10 American dollers. She used the money to maintain entire her family, so that she sits under the scoriching sunlight. I asked her why they are not providing an umbrella, she explained me that without umbrella she gets sympathy from the people then she gets lot of money... This begging became very fashion or birth right in india. Crores of people depends on begging. Whenever we used to offer food they rejects, they needs only money, with the money they lived a posh life, by eating biryany by drinking cool drinks some people drink brandy and whisky with the begging money. Even small children are also involving in this begging. In india begging is some thousand crores besuness. So who stops this.... 

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